Saturday, February 28, 2009


some of you know that i created a vintage dress line a few years ago and i am re-launching it - - slowly but surely!

jeanyc - formerly 'dumb blonde' - is under construction in many ways- website, designs, concept, etc - -so in the interim, you can preview some of the new styles on my facebook group 'jeancydesigns' in lieu of the website. what started out as a "From Russia with Love" theme, morphed into "From Harlem with Lust" - - and eventually just simplified into "Grime meets Glam". If you are not on facebook, stay tuned - i will be posting some goodies right here for your viewing (and hopefully buying!) pleasure. i welcome your comments & feedback so holla at me!! remember- it's all in the name of fashion!

and until then ... "be fresh or buy trying!"

ad⋅vocate [ad-vuh-kit]
to speak or write in favor of; support or urge by argument; recommend publicly
apostle, champion, defender, promoter, backer, counsel, supporter, solicitor

hello to anyone out there who is taking the time to read this today!
welcome to my world, my brain, my psychosis of being. this is my first foray in the blog culture- so bear with me. as my introductory entry, i am just introducing myself and the idea behind 'the fashion advocate'.

so now that you know the definition, i am here to be your apostle! all hail the messenger!! or should i say "don't shoot the messenger" ??! either way, i am here to bring forth the rhythm & the rhyme! :) no, really! i am just a mere abecedarian to this blog world that has been urged by a fellow lover of all beauty to give my two sense (for whatever it's worth) and share it with y'all. i may be good at it, i may not- only time will tell.

i may not be the almighty, omnipotent, omniscient, all knowing fashionista, (pretty close tho! HAA!) but what i do know is that all i know is that it's all i've ever known!! my life long enthusiasm for the arts have propelled me to cultivate my taste, eye & style; i've been around the block in all 'fashionable' arenas and i am merely showing you what is innately wired inside of me. i want to lead you to the promise land, to open your eyes to something new and relevant, to introduce you and your senses to the beauty that i see & live.

fashion is such an overused, broad terminology that people fling around like a frisbee on a summer day. i take it more seriously than that- but then again, i have been known to be overly discerning, meticulous & even somewhat sentimental when it comes to dressing, style and overall taste. fashion comes in many forms: garments, people, music, art, writing, jewelry, furniture, food, etc - therefore i hope this blog is all encompassing & not just your everyday blah, blah, blah.

i know i may get blasted for this- but TO ME fashion is not something you learn - yes, there is FIT & Parsons, etc etc- but that is getting schooled on origins, semantics & skills - which are great for a well rounded knowledge - but what cannot be taught is the soul, the expression, or the punch drunk love that is congenital.
fashion is experience, it is feeling, it is abstruse, it is philosophical, it is nonsensical, it is outer body, it is grounded, it is skilled, it is pedestrian - it is all encompassing and it is contradictory - - but one thing it isn't, is learned.

ok- i must also warn that i am wordy, opinionated & could go on forever- but i will curb my enthusiasm for now and just say:
sometimes my entries will just be my commentary, sometimes just a picture- which can speak a thousand words, sometimes a passage from a favorite writer, or a highlight of a new talent in whatever arena i feel should be spotlighted- - -whatever forum i choose, i hope that you feel something - anything - when you see, read or taste what i'm bringin'.

"be fresh or buy trying!"

*a special thanks to teach for setting me up, relinquishing his tag and title & for nov. 4

Thursday, February 26, 2009

The Mantra

Yo, yo, yo.  Be fresh or BUY trying.